Thursday, April 29, 2010

The crazy crawling Whirly Girl...

Peggy is now commando-ing all over the place. I am so shocked at how early she started to mobilise. Her dear big brother did not manage to start pulling himself along until he was 9 months old... I recall Phil doing "crawl training" with him, trying to entice him into action with toys and treats, silently and shamefully bemoaning his ineptitude. He got there, of course, and 9 months is still well within the realms of normal, but he was certainly a little on the slow side. In fact, he was a little bit behind when it came to nearly all the physical milestones. I never cared, I am no athlete, and I have always placed more emphasis on his speech and creativity.

So you can understand my surprise when Girly Whirly started screeching in frustration when a toy or forbidden non-toy item was placed just out of her reach, at only 5 months of age. And then she started to pull herself along. There was grunting and gasping, a bit of sweat along the brow, and, slowly, but surely she got there, millimetreby millimetre.

She's fairly adept at it now. Sometimes does a slow shuffle, sometimes a large, lunging leap. Just today she's started to rise up on all fours. I think "proper" crawling is only days or weeks away.

6 months on Sunday! My beautiful, wilful Whirly Girl. I love you my darling.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My top ten "can't live without" baby and toddler items...

Just thought I’d share this. There are a million lists like this around, but mine is obviously entirely impartial (no-one is paying me to market their products!), so perhaps a little more trustworthy. Please feel free to reply with a few of your own.

1. Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump (used in conjunction with Swisspers breastmilk storage bags)

2. Bonds Wondersuits

3. That’s Not My Truck/Bunny/Baby/Dolly/Dragon etc etc books

4. Duplo

5. Baby Einstein Play Mat

6. Greenkids nappies

7. ABC Kids (OK, not so much an item, but a product of sorts)

8. Coles Smartbuy wipes

9. Fisher-Price Soothe and Glow Seahorse

10. Stretch jersey cotton wraps

Will return to annotate this list when I get the time.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Otis the Builder

Otis has never really had an obsessive attachment to anything (other than me, and his dummy, of course). No blanky, no preferred stuffed toy, no special outfit. A few times I tried to push various toys and encourage him to develop an attachment... I was thinking if he fell in love with Simon his knitted lion, for instance, then maybe he wouldn't scream out for me upon waking for even a split second, or wouldn't need to pull on my now very dry and sore elbow skin whilst falling asleep.

That's all changed! He is now officially in a relationship with the $4 tool kit Phil and I bought him for Christmas. It goes everywhere with him, and has been added to, gradually. It came with a power drill (the most favoured of the tools, due to its battery operation), a hammer, pliers, a spanner, and a wrench. We added a second hammer, and a tape measure. Sometimes it also contains a dummy (surely Bob the Builder doen't leave home without his?), a mobile phone (a display model that flips open, much loved by O) and a plastic knife (he loves "cutting"... things, but sometimes also his sister).

The actual tool kit is bright yellow and clips together, like an old-school lunch box, and has a name label that he likes to spell out for us ("Name! O-T-S!").

And, as it appears, my dream came true... Once he developed an attachment to an inanimate object, he stopped pulling at my elbow whilst falling asleep. I don't know that the two are connected though. He's just becoming more independant by the day. He plays alone for lengthy periods, with imaginary characters, dealing with a host of dramas that would put Summer Bay to shame. He fights monsters, fires, cooks meals, swims, drives, writes letters and posts them. He needs me less. And wouldn't you know it? Just putting this out there, "on paper", has me shedding a few quiet tears.

Today he and Phil have gone on what I imagine will be the first of many boy's trips away. They left this morning, and have gone down to Canberra for a night. Phil wanted to see an exhibition at the Gallery, and he's decided to also throw in a visit to the dinosaur museum and a trip to the movies. They really don't need me!!