Thursday, October 22, 2009


Otis is what is known as a "good boy". He's not destructive, doesn't throw tantrums (other than every now and then laying on the floor with hands above his head and whimpering), listens, obeys instructions, and spends very little time crying. I am very hesitant to take any responsibility for this, however. I believe he's inherited some of his father's gentle nature, and that biology is to thank for how easy a toddler he has turned out to be. I mean, he's still pretty demanding of me, I hear "Mummy, sit" numerous times day, and he requires a lot of affection and attention, which I am happy to give. But he's not naughty in any sense of the word.

We have always absolutely showered him with love, kissing him, hugging him, tickling him, being very unabashedly physically affectionate towards him. I like to think that this has encouraged him to treat others in the same way. He's a very loving person, and that is what I am most proud of. In terms of discipline, we tend not to stress out about tactics and methods very much - we ignore cheeky, rebellious acts and praise obedience. But that's about it. He leads a reasonably routined existence, and enjoys quite a bit of variety in his days. He eats everything in moderation - fruit and vegies, cheese, cakes and muffins, chocolate, cereal, whatever we're having... I would feel quite the hypocrite denying him the things that I enjoy (other than Coke, which is strictly forbidden... For now, anyway). He ofteh asks for excessive amounts of treat-type foods, but I tell him no and he accepts that without issue. Who'd have thought my irritable insomniac would become so wonderfully compliant?

So, maybe it's partly us, maybe it's just his innate nature... All I know is, I am thankful to have a son who is so sweet. I am enjoying our time together, and feeling both a little sad that the one-on-one period is about to end and very excited about giving him a sibling with whom we can share our days.

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