Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My girl...

I call her "girly", but with me as her mother, she's anything but, really. Not that an infant can really exhibit gendered characteristics, but as far as her clothing goes... I get lots of disapproving and/or quizzical looks when I dress her in blue or grey, which I do, often. Where is it written that girls must wear pink and purple and nothing else? How will they ever learn their colours with such a limited colour palette? I favour red when picking Peggy's clothes...

Speaking of red, I dressed her in a gorgeous, very traditional red tartan dress when we went to a baby shower on the weekend. It was a gift from my friend Elise. Really pretty, without being pink. Anyway, I lifted her out of her capsule, all puffed up with pride, only to discover that she had done a huge mustardy poo all over the dress ad the matching bloomers. Within minutes she was back in her usual t-shirt and leggings. Just as beautiful in my eyes. My attempts to feminise her were thwarted! Is the universe telling me something?

She's such an "easy" baby now. Never, ever imagined I would be in a position to type those words in relation to a baby of my own. But there's no denying it. Goes to sleep "easily", smiles and coos, happily spends up to 10 minutes alone on her mat or in her bouncer, and doesn't wail the way she once did.

:):) :)

Peggy's independent approach to sleep does, however, enable Otis to continue to need lots of coddling and attention... He pinches the skin on my elbow. If my arm is not comfortably accessible to him, he manouevres it until it is.

1 comment:

Candice said...

Hi Rochelle,

I was just sent this link (and I'm sure you've already heard of it - but in case you haven't):

As soon as I read it I thought of you, it is so up your alley!

Hope you are all well.