Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I have failed to capture so much of this year, it’s been a harried whirlwind of new baby wonder and angst, toddler taming, house hunting, qualifications and career progressions and soaking up tiny wonders along the way… Here are some snippets: - Juddy sat well by 5 months, crawled and cruised at 7 months – totally skipped the commando stage – and has 6 teeth already, at 8 months of age. He also weighs over 10kg. His hair is redder and thicker, his eyes bigger, his thighs rounder and his smile sweeter than ever before. He is an unpredictable Bubba Boy, some nights sleeps quite soundly alone, other nights is only at peace in my arms. He bites and pinches without mercy. Loves eating pureed roasts and chocolate custard. Has no fear. Still breastfeeding 4 times a day – will keep it going awhile I think… He's my baby, my last, my final go at it. He smells a bit like the sea and is as yummy as can be. I just sniff him and eat him up all day long. - Otis lives in a world of his own making where pirates and superheros and Star Wars characters reign, and blood is often spilt - but if you die you can always use magic to be revived. If only it were that simple Matey! He loves books and drawing, building with Lego and blocks, crafting, eating anything sweet and cuddling those he loves. Continues to be a calm, compliant, obedient boy, and is a very calming influence on the other two. Has a tendency towards laziness – he’s a bit of a lounge lizard – which I am trying to change. Wants to be a builder, mechanic, fossil hunter, fireman and art teacher when he grows up. He’ll be busy! Is planning his Neverland-themed 5th birthday party. - Peggy. Stopped all night nappies and dummies the day she turned 3, as promised. Seems like she too should be getting a uniform and attending kindergarten orientation, she’s just so clever and confident. Just wants to be a Mum when she grows up. Likes to pretend she is the pink and purple baby. Loves skirts. Loves fairies. Wants a real fairy for a pet. Loves cooking, was so proud when I allowed her to cut with a paring knife for the first time yesterday. Loves to eat cheese, chocolate, butter and legumes, her favourite beverage is cold milk. She told off her doll for being “such a curious baby” the other day. She prances about practicing ballet moves all day long.

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