Monday, October 13, 2008

Dairy-free dieting...

No, it's not because I am keen to shed a few kilos... Although that is certainly true, weight loss has never been enough of a motivator for me to ditch the chocolate and the cheese. Mum spoke at length to a colleague of hers who also works as a mothercraft nurse. She talked to this woman about Oti's tendancy to squirm during the night. Mum and I both think it indicates discomfort of some sort. Anyway, this woman suggested trying a dairy-free diet — he and I — and see whether there is any change. Apparently lactose intolerance is quite common in babies, and lead to all sorts of tummy problems and pains. So, as much as it's hurting me, I haven't eaten any dairy products for the past two days.

Anything for my little boy, hey?!

I am in two minds about this. On the one hand, if there was a magic solution to his fractious sleeping habits, I'd be thrilled. On the other, if it does prove to be the problem, I'll either have to a) continue with the dairy-free diet, or b) put him on formula until 12 months of age. I'd feel so sad, all of a sudden denying him the boob. It would break my heart. But so, too, would Christmas without chocolate or ice cream...

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