Friday, October 17, 2008

Drained... But OK.

Not only does Otis sleep poorly and thus leave Phil and I both rather exhausted, but when he's awake he is just non-stop. Seriously, he is never still. He won't play for very long alone, it's usually only a matter of minutes before he's reaching out to me to hold him. And then I'll pick him up, and he'll want to get back to the toy he'd been playing with. Then he'll play again, then he'll want me again, then he won't want me. It's incredibly frustrating. I can't have a conversation, I can't eat, I can't read, I can't clean. I'm hoping once he's properly crawling and getting himself around that he'll be so busy exploring every inch of the carpet that he'll forget about being clingy to me.

His new favourite meal is a puree of canellinni beans and chicken pan-fried in garlic. He wolfed that down last night and again today for his lunch. He's still enjoying his Weet Bix with strawberry puree and milk, and loves summer fruits and Milk Arrowroots. He'll be having avocado mashed with tinned salmon for dinner tonight. Brain food for my developing boy.

Just saw Bonnie and Emily. They have to WAKE her for feeds! They HAVE TO WAKE THEIR BABY!! It is a totally different world. I have never woken Otis — well, never on purpose, there have been numerous occasions wherein I have accidentally put a saucepan down with just a tiny bit too much force and thus woken him — and can't imagine having that much time sans babe-in-arms. Just goes to show that much of the sleep issues babies have are there from the get go.

Bonnie is such a pretty girl, and she's putting on weight well. All is as it should be. I am so happy for the three of them.

Now I am just waiting for Lan to pop! Pop! It's such an odd expression. There's really no popping involved. Still feeling very strongly that little HD is a boy, but you never can know these things. 50% chance either way, I'd say!

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