Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Yes! Woohooo!!! [Insert image of me, jumping up and down, here...]

My baby has finally forgone the 10pm wake/feed... For the past 4 nights — yes, there has actually been some consistency!! — he has gone to bed at 7, and stayed asleep, in his cot, until 1am!!!!!!!!!!!

The joy, the rapture... I can't explain it. It is so lovely to have time with Phil, it is such a luxury, to be able to cuddle up in bed feeling relaxed rather than expecting to be up again within the hour.

He then wakes again sometime between 3 and 4:30, and then, again, sometime between 5 and 6:30.

I don't make as much milk as I used to, now that he is eating solids so eagerly and feeding less frequently, which, I admit, makes me a little sad. I guess I feel slightly redundant now — anyone can feed him his Farex. But this change brings with it more flexibility and freedom, which I wholly welcome.

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