Monday, December 22, 2008


Otis is starting to communicate so much effectively! It's so much fun. Finally, I have a bit more insight into his mind... I am getting acquainted with him on a whole new level. I love it.

He now waves the moment he hears the words "bye bye" or "goodnight" uttered. His waves vary in style, enthusiasm and effort — if he's feeling lazy, or, perhaps, a little reserved, he simply flops his hand about, the movement only starting at the wrist. This is minimum effort, maximum cuteness. At other times the whole arm flaps up and down madly, accompanied by a manic cackle and massive, toothy smile. Sometimes the whole body moves as well — this is more of a goodbye dance. He waves to all and sundry — me, Phil, Grandma, the ladies at the fruit shop, characters on the TV screen.

The biggest development, which has occurred only this last week, is that he is now pointing. He points in awe at things beautiful and bold — a squawking cockatoo, the black and gold taped telegraph wires that hang above the crossing on Morts Rd, Christmas ornaments... Dare I say it? Me! He points because he wants to get closer to whatever it is he's selected. This is, most often, me. He's very clingy again all of a sudden. His happiest moment is when he climbs on top of me after waking in the morning, we lie there, chest-to-chest, cheek-to-cheek, and breathe against one another. He often strokes my face, pulls my hair. Sucks furiously on his dummy. I've never been on the receiving end of such infatuation before!

Another thing he's doing now is mimicking us. He's far from accurate, but there's no mistaking it. I say "byyyyyyye" and he says "baa". It's the start of something...

He's shaking his head more too. Mostly when I try to feed him and he's not interested, or when I ask him to give me something ("Ta, Otis"), or when I tell him not to do something naughty.

At 11 months he weighs 10.4kg and is 78cm tall.

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