Monday, February 25, 2008


OK. I've gone off the controlled crying idea. I've realised that I don't actually have to follow my Mum's advice in every instance! It just tears me up, to hear him scream, to see the tears flowing and the reddened face. Instead I am slowly changing things. This week, I am making sure I put him down during the day whenever he falls asleep. Right now he's in his bassinette. I am going to be very strict about this for the rest of the week, and then I'll start trying to put him down as he's falling asleep, rather than once he's already dead-to-the-world.

He sleeps well at night, snuggled in next to me. His first sleep is his lengthiest and deepest, lasting about 5, 5 1/2 hours. He then sleeps 2 or 3 hours at a time. Because he sleeps with us, he rarely gets to the point where he is screaming. He just moans and squirms, and then I either take him for a nappy change, or put him on the breast. During the day he has a few naps, each lasting between 1 and 3 hours long.

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