Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oti's First Holiday!

Well, we are back from Noosa. Otis was such a gem and really enjoyed his first holiday! My seaside fantasy, however —wherein he happily splashes his little feet in the water and plays in the sand with a big, photo-worthy smile on his face — didn't eventuate. He HATED the water! The lower lip trembled, the face went bright red... He just cried and cried. I think Phil was a little too eager, perhaps, and didn't give him a chance to gradually get used to the chill. Not that the water was really cold! That's the thing I love about Noosa — the water is always such a perfect temperature. Perhaps not for babies though... Anyway, he sure looked the part, in his Monster Baby white and black skeleton rashie, bright red swim nappy and floppy, stripey hat!

I had some really mixed feelings when we were up there. On the one hand, it was fantastic to have 16 pairs of hands to assist me in the day-to-day care of my boy. There was always someone around to entertain him, read to him, sing him to sleep, change his pooey nappy, take him in the bath... The only thing no one else can do for him is breast feed him, of course! The down side to all of this was twofold — not only did I miss having him to myself, I also felt bizarrely guilt-ridden. I felt as if I were neglecting him by way of palming him off to others, having Mum put him down to sleep every night, taking him down to Dad for cuddles in the morning. I think I have internalised the belief that mother and baby should never be apart... Mothering is a 24/7 job, and I felt as if I were taking a sickie. It's silly and illogical, but I couldn't shake the feeling. It really is a wonderful thing, the love his extended family has for him, and I want so much to promote that and feed that.

I was nervous about the plane trips, but he didn't really make much of a fuss. He was asleep before take off on the way up there, but got a bit ratty and whingey about half-way through the flight. The stress must have been all over my face, as the lovely lady sitting next to me did her best to reassure me. "They were all babies too, once", she reminded me, referring to the other, slightly disgruntled passengers. He did like being changed in the plane's toilet... Wall-to-wall mirrors, perfect for the babe who loves the sight of his own gorgeous self! He didn't make even a whimper on the way home... But once we were home? The devil possessed him!

On both Monday and Tuesday he cried for about an hour straight in the morning. On Monday I had him in his pram, which is usually one of his favourite places, and he put on the biggest, holding-his-breath, red-faced, streaming-tears performance I've ever witnessed. I got him out for a cuddle in the middle of Coles, only to have an old woman label him "spoilt". Thanks! Way to make a suffering new mother, feel better! He slept in only short spurts and was whingey and unhappy all day and all that night. I spent the day in analytical overdrive, trying to work out the cause, blaming myself, consulting my Mum.

Spent the day with Mum and Lani on Tuesday, and his temperament was similarly sooky. The only thing that made it bearable was the fact that Mum had no idea how to console him either — so hopefully I wasn't to blame! It took me 2 hours to get him down to sleep last night, but when it finally came, what a deep sleep it was... From Mum's bassinette, to the car seat, to his own bed — it was flawless transfer, he slept through it all, in total for over 7 HOURS! Woke at 2:30, asleep again by 3 after a lengthier than normal night feed. Woke at 5:30, fed, and then slept from 7 'til 8. Played happily, had a shower, and has been asleep since 10 (it's after midday)... The relief is incomparable! I am so happy!!

My current parenting dilemma pertains to the newly cold weather... Now that Otis sleeps, in accordance with SIDS recommendations, on his back, he tends to break free fairly easily from his wrap, and his little hands get so cold. I bought some nice, cosy ribbed jersey fabric yesterday to make a couple of massive wraps. Here's hoping I wrap him so tight that he can't escape!

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