Friday, April 25, 2008


"rolling, wheels go rolling, round and round and round..."

Otis rolled over today! I'll never forget the date — ANZAC Day. To think, a year ago, he was already growing inside me, unbeknownst to us! I can't believe how far he/we have come.

Anyway, it was quite funny. I took him into Mum's room to "practise" rolling. I lay him down on his tummy, and at that very moment Mum sat on the bed. As it dipped a little, he, without any intention or effort, rolled over. I got all excited, until Mum pointed out what had happened. We put him back onto his tummy, and in a matter of seconds, he was on his back, smiling proudly, looking a little shell-shocked! I can't get over how overwhelmingly proud I felt. I feel pathetic even typing that, but I really did feel incredibly pride.

We made him do it again, and again, and again. I think he rolled 8 times in a row! He even rolled to both his left and his right, loving to show off his new-found skill.

Of course, all that rolling action resulted in a fairly significant spew!

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