Sunday, February 21, 2010

Anger management...

My husband just asked me very nicely to stop yelling at our children...

I don't think I yell at Otis all that often, no more than is useful and understandable, at least. But, yes, I scream at Peggy at least once a day, and I am fully aware of how ridiculous and cruel that is. As if my yelling will make her sleep! It will no more settle her than would a bulldozer crashing through her bedroom wall. It's completely irrational and ineffective. It's pure emotion.

I know I shouldn't, but I do it anyway.

Tips, anyone? How do I get this under control?

My baby does not deserve it, but the tiredness builds and builds until all I want is for her to sleep so that I can be free of her for a short time. A little bit of time away and I can be the happy, shiny Mum she loves and by whom she should ideally be attended.

The last 24 hours have been really hard.

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